The world will hate you

Sometimes I forget that the gospel is offensive- that it's uncomfortable for many people to talk about. Plain and simple, I forget that people hate it. I know it my mind that it's true, but in my heart and head, I soften it a bit. Last night, I got a good wake-up call to that. Yes, it is true that people hate talking about Jesus. As I mentioned in my last post, I went to go eat home-made Japanese food with the Japanese club here on campus, and I had to be driven there. I had a lot of fun, but the experience also reminded me of Christ's promise that the world would hate us like it hates him.

All I had to do last night to offend someone with Jesus is mention that I went to Japan to help a church organization; that seemed to put a standstill to the entire conversation. I was talking to the driver of the car as we were going to the party. He said something along the lines of the Japanese not being a very religious people, etc. And the tone basically said, "I don't want to hear anymore about this. I am uncomfortable in this area."  It hearkened me back to when I was in Japan summer 2009, where many people said the same thing. And since I didn't really know the guy and he was driving us to a party with a bunch of other Japanese people, I decided not to push any farther and the conversation went another direction.

Going home (after much delicious food), we ended up having another conversation related to faith, because we passed by one of the other passenger's childhood church. He said something along the lines of, "Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those religious fanatics..." Implying that he didn't really take church all that seriously. He did say that not believing in a God takes more faith than not, because of all of the order in the world. But it's what the driver said in response that made me downcast- "I don't have time for that kind of thing now. I'm young. I'll wait until later to figure all of that out." I didn't really have a chance to chime in, although my friend(the third passenger in the car) did say a bit in the conversation. What makes me sad is that both of these guys may not have a chance to figure it out until it's too late, especially if they're not looking for it now.

It just makes me so sad, and made me remember what opposition I will have as a follower of Jesus if I end up living in Japan. No, no one pointedly attacked or my faith me in these conversations, but I want to be able to easily counter untruths. And you can't always do that. And I don't always know when to push and when to pull back.

Many times, I have such rosy pictures of what living a Christian life will be like (especially as a missionary), but it's not going to be easy. It will be a battle. Thank God that he's not sending out his people to fight it alone. He is always with us through his Holy Spirit, through his omnipresence, through the tools he has given us to fight the evil one. But make no mistake, it will not be something that I can waltz through(if I could waltz hahaha). I think that God gives us just what we need, and if we do not depend on him, whatever high and lofty goals we have will fail.

I want to see the Japanese come to know their creator. This in itself is offensive, because I'm saying that they have to change their beliefs, and  if you aren't a Christian, it may make you hate me to say that I think I am right and you are wrong.  But I really do want them to know God. I long for it, and I cry for them as I do for my friends who don't know him.  Why? Because knowing Christ is the best thing you can ever have, because eternal life is there for whoever follows Jesus, because there is victory over sin through him! And not having that is a tragedy. I want them(and you, too) to be able to have abundant, eternal life like I know I do in Christ.
