Latest language news

So I am really excited this year about my progress in Japanese! I really think that I'm getting somewhere. At the start of this semester, I was kind of down about my Japanese level, because the 3001 class is a lot harder than the ones before.  It's the same format but much more is expected out of you. And I find that at each level I think I know so much, but then I learn the truth- I really know nothing, really. But eventually, I've gotten used to it and I see that even though I don't know a lot right now, I am improving exponentially every year.

Another thing that has helped my Japanese has been practicing it a lot with my friends. I find that after talking in it so much, I am much more confident and just say what I think, whether or not it's guaranteed to be right. This at least means that when I do have the right thing to say, I won't hesitate as much. I follow other blogs about languages- one of them frequently talks about speaking as soon as you can, trying out the language so your confidence is boosted. And I see that it really works! Last night, I got to go out with the Japanese club on campus to eat good Japanese food, and I got to practice my Japanese. It was so fun, and I was happy I could pick up a lot. 授業もやさしくなくてけど、もういいですよ!神様、ありがとうございます!

In related news, I recently applied for a scholarship that would pay for an intensive Japanese summer program. I am so excited and hope that I get it! It would take care of everything I needed and free up my schedule senior year. I'll hear in March, so we'll see about this in 4 months. 本当に日本に行きたいから、このプログラムに申し込みければ、うれしいになりますよ!

And Spanish is also going well- don't want to lose it, so I try to keep it up somehow! Although I haven't been able to take any classes in a long time, I have been able to practice it here and there with my friends and through watching television. I've also signed up for a really crazy class next semester where we have to go and serve in the Hispanic community once a week. I think (if I don't chicken out) it will really stretch me and force me to use it for real, which would be awesome! Estoy entusiasmada, pero tengo un poco miedo.  Pues, en todas las adventuras hay muchas cosas desconocidas.

I love languages. Can I please just study languages forever?
