Just a quick check-in in the middle of studying. It's been great studying on such a warm, sunny day like this. Well, it's been great just being alive on a day like this - I'd rather be out playing in the grass or running around the pi mile or something, but I've still been able to be pretty content studying all afternoon. Gotten a good bit done - going through Japanese and my Science and INTA class. I feel like I can do ok at this.
Anyway, I have those double-sided feelings I usually do this time of the year:
First, exhilaration for summer! Yay no classes for a few months! And this summer, I'm just going to hang out/travel. Hopefully get a job, too, but I'm not putting too much pressure on myself. This year has been the hardest yet, the most challenging, and a break appeals to me to my inner being. I'm so excited to be able to go home and just do what I want!
But also the "I'm not going to see my friends" feeling I always get. I love our school. I love the people I've gotten to know here, and it's crazy what good friends I've made since only the beginning of this school year. I've loved how God has worked through people this year.But it's a comfort to know that we can keep up, even if we won't be able to see each other, especially those that are not coming back in the Fall.
It's crazy how God has changed my mindset about the summer. I used to think that I had to be productive, do something, probably partially so I can tell my friends that I'm normal here at Tech - working, internship, travel. But I think that going home really will be a respite. Even if I get a job, it'll be a change and hopefully, I'll be able to do a few awesome things. (Ok, looking back at what you'll see below, I still like to be productive. But these are happy goals at least XD)
Here's my preliminary list of awesome things I want to do:
(I might not accomplish half of this, but I say plan big, you never know what will happen)
(when I first wrote this blog up, I forgot this section - a sign? Maybe)
1. Start to have a consistent Jesus time
a. By figuring out what I should study
b. By setting aside a time in the day
2. Memorize scripture
a. By getting someone to quiz me periodically
b. By using my prayer box
c. By memorizing in a foreign language
3. Pray more
a. By praying with family/friends
b. By allowing more time for prayer
c. By writing down requests/answers
d. By praying more consistently about certain topics
4. Reflect about the year and what I've learned
a. By trying to listen to what God has to tell me
6. Find my spot in the church for the summer
a. By being involved in Sunday School
b. By looking for how I can volunteer
7. Tell my loved ones about what's going on in my spiritual life
(ok, this section could go on, now that I think about it, but we'll leave it here)
1. Start compiling material for a family history book - maybe start book
2. Bother my family every day
a. By far the easiest goal here
3. See hometown friends
a. By hanging out a lot
i. By playing DDR
b. By eating together
c. By having parties
4. Keep up with other friends/family
a. By utilizing online tools
b. By utilizing snail mail/post cards
c. By calling them
d. By visiting them (road trip!)
Work-wise: (this section I'm worried the least about, but just in case I care to actually do something about it, I have plans)
1. Get a job, esp. one where I have a lot of time to hang out with friends/goof off
a. By applying online
b. By asking at church/friends/family
c. By using a temp agency (?)
2. Failing 1(or with 1), make a little money online
a. By doing some translation work
b. By doing those annoying surveys
c. By learning how to auction things online
3. Failing 1 and 2(or with 1 and/or 2), volunteer or tutor part time
1. Start training for the Silver Comet Half Marathon
a. By running 3-5 times a week
b. By treating my body right
c. By utilizing the trails nearish my house I've never used (they look so nice!!!)
d. By utilizing advice given to me by kind friends :-)
2. Eat healthily at some point
a. By eating a lot more vegetables
1. Play lots of video games
a. By finishing ODST
b. By buying Portal 2
c. By playing Halo:Reach online
i. By buying membership for 3 months
2. Read lots of books
a. By checking out a ton from the library
b. By catching up on my manga (Yotsuba&, I'm so excited to be seeing you soon!!!)
c. By starting/finishing all of those books I bought for the school year
3. Starting guitar again(this is the least likely goal on this list)
4. Watch new/not-as-yet watched movies
Ok, that's what I can think of right now(25 goals is not a lot, right?). If I get some of these things done, I will be quite happy.
Ok, back to some sort of productivity. Can't wait til Thursday night, because then I will be free!
Anyway, I have those double-sided feelings I usually do this time of the year:
First, exhilaration for summer! Yay no classes for a few months! And this summer, I'm just going to hang out/travel. Hopefully get a job, too, but I'm not putting too much pressure on myself. This year has been the hardest yet, the most challenging, and a break appeals to me to my inner being. I'm so excited to be able to go home and just do what I want!
But also the "I'm not going to see my friends" feeling I always get. I love our school. I love the people I've gotten to know here, and it's crazy what good friends I've made since only the beginning of this school year. I've loved how God has worked through people this year.But it's a comfort to know that we can keep up, even if we won't be able to see each other, especially those that are not coming back in the Fall.
It's crazy how God has changed my mindset about the summer. I used to think that I had to be productive, do something, probably partially so I can tell my friends that I'm normal here at Tech - working, internship, travel. But I think that going home really will be a respite. Even if I get a job, it'll be a change and hopefully, I'll be able to do a few awesome things. (Ok, looking back at what you'll see below, I still like to be productive. But these are happy goals at least XD)
Here's my preliminary list of awesome things I want to do:
(I might not accomplish half of this, but I say plan big, you never know what will happen)
(when I first wrote this blog up, I forgot this section - a sign? Maybe)
1. Start to have a consistent Jesus time
a. By figuring out what I should study
b. By setting aside a time in the day
2. Memorize scripture
a. By getting someone to quiz me periodically
b. By using my prayer box
c. By memorizing in a foreign language
3. Pray more
a. By praying with family/friends
b. By allowing more time for prayer
c. By writing down requests/answers
d. By praying more consistently about certain topics
4. Reflect about the year and what I've learned
a. By trying to listen to what God has to tell me
6. Find my spot in the church for the summer
a. By being involved in Sunday School
b. By looking for how I can volunteer
7. Tell my loved ones about what's going on in my spiritual life
(ok, this section could go on, now that I think about it, but we'll leave it here)
1. Start compiling material for a family history book - maybe start book
2. Bother my family every day
a. By far the easiest goal here
3. See hometown friends
a. By hanging out a lot
i. By playing DDR
b. By eating together
c. By having parties
4. Keep up with other friends/family
a. By utilizing online tools
b. By utilizing snail mail/post cards
c. By calling them
d. By visiting them (road trip!)
Work-wise: (this section I'm worried the least about, but just in case I care to actually do something about it, I have plans)
1. Get a job, esp. one where I have a lot of time to hang out with friends/goof off
a. By applying online
b. By asking at church/friends/family
c. By using a temp agency (?)
2. Failing 1(or with 1), make a little money online
a. By doing some translation work
b. By doing those annoying surveys
c. By learning how to auction things online
3. Failing 1 and 2(or with 1 and/or 2), volunteer or tutor part time
1. Start training for the Silver Comet Half Marathon
a. By running 3-5 times a week
b. By treating my body right
c. By utilizing the trails nearish my house I've never used (they look so nice!!!)
d. By utilizing advice given to me by kind friends :-)
2. Eat healthily at some point
a. By eating a lot more vegetables
1. Travel on the road with Dad
2. Visit the farm for an extended period of time
3. Go to Philly with Aeisha (I hope she'll be cool with that)
1. Maintain/develop my Spanish and Japanese skills
a. By Skyping with Loren/others in Spanish. Muchisímo.
b. By watching a ton of anime/dramas in Japanese
c. By finding something in Spanish to watch/listen to on a consistent basis
d. By talking with my Japanese-loving friends (like Aeisha) in Japanese
e. By listening to the daily news in Spanish/Japanese like I did last summer
2. Start Swahili study again
a. By talking with Dad and Mom
b. By using their old Swahili textbooks
c. By listening to the Swahili news on BBC Africa again
1. Play lots of video games
a. By finishing ODST
b. By buying Portal 2
c. By playing Halo:Reach online
i. By buying membership for 3 months
2. Read lots of books
a. By checking out a ton from the library
b. By catching up on my manga (Yotsuba&, I'm so excited to be seeing you soon!!!)
c. By starting/finishing all of those books I bought for the school year
3. Starting guitar again(this is the least likely goal on this list)
4. Watch new/not-as-yet watched movies
Ok, that's what I can think of right now(25 goals is not a lot, right?). If I get some of these things done, I will be quite happy.
Ok, back to some sort of productivity. Can't wait til Thursday night, because then I will be free!
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