Here are his five main steps to having a long-reaching revival(per my notes):
1. A small group of people need to recognize that they need spiritual awakening.
2. Those people need to humble themselves.
3. This group needs to confess their sins, repent, and make restitution where needed.
4. They need to pray for awakening.
5. They need to call other people to join them.
Some of the passages he mentioned were 2 Chronicles 7:13-14, Isaiah 57:15, and 1 Corinthians 4:20.
Since then, our ministry has been praying every night for something awesome to happen on campus, for God to bring an awakening in our ministry, among other Christians, and in those that don't know God. I was in on that the last two nights. Let me tell you, they were very refreshing and filling. I love talking with our Father! And I love to hear my brothers and sisters. There's something about praying with a group of people that is really encouraging. We were praising God, asking for him to change us, admitting our faults, asking for him to go before us, thanking him for all he's given us. And he's given us so much!
God has also been teaching me a lot about humility. It's come up quite a lot in the last few days- the sermon on Sunday even had it as one of its main themes. Humility was forced on Samson - he thought he was all that, but the great things he did were always through God's spirit in him. When his spirit left Samson, he was ordinary and defenseless.
Real humility is not what I have most often- what I have many times is just a show, what I think I should do to fulfill the requirement, but my true feelings come through in my attitudes and how I talk to people. But as of late, God's been showing me again that I do need him, that I am messed up so much, and that I really can't provide for myself. You'd think I'd have gotten that by now, eh? Real humility is admitting when you don't know something, is treating other people as better than yourself, rather than looking after your own wants and needs all the time.
All of today, I've been really pumped up because of prayer and what God's been teaching me! I feel like I could run a marathon, like something amazing is going to happen.
(Speaking of running, I think I'll go do that.)
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