Shoe story

Wow, it's been a long time since I've tried to blog. Ironically, near school. I guess not blogging during the summer was a good break...

Anyway, for this installment, I have a real-life parable I want to share that happened to me the other day. It's about two pairs of shoes.

My parents graciously(and maybe against better judgement) bought me a new pair of Nike's a couple of weeks ago. I really wanted/needed them because I didn't have any good running shoes- the ones I'd been jogging in were dying very quickly. So I've been wearing them just about everyday since. They're really comfortable, high quality, look good. They're a treasure, a great gift.

Well, this past week, I went over to the local thrift store and found some shoes that I fell in love with- some moccasin-looking shoes by rocket dog. And they only cost me $4!!! I was so excited that after I bought them, I exchanged them for my Nike's and put my Nike's in my bookbag.

Long story short, I forgot them. When I was at the food court, I had to get through them to get to my lunch and I believe I just left them at the table there. As the day went on, I didn't even look for them- I didn't even think they were gone. I walked around in my beautiful new shoes- but they actually really rubbed and were uncomfortable and a little large. They also made me late for my ride home. They weren't as good as the Nike's I so easily discarded for what I actually needed. I certainly wouldn't be running in those rocket dogs. And, in a way, those $4 shoes cost me the cost of my good shoes as well, because I couldn't find my Nike's again. I actually went back and bought another pair.

I know it's not my story is not as serious or directly lines up, but in a way, that's like us as people. We are given good things by the Father, but then we get distracted by other good things that simply aren't the best. We think we've found something just as good or better, and end up discarding the really important, substantive things for those. And what are we left with? Shoes that look good, but tear up our feet.
