Fun similarity/difference

[note: this post is imported from my short-lived alternate blog called Lenguajes Intercambiables]

I found that there's a verb in Japanese that's almost the same in Spanish:
Japanese: 見る/みる/miru
Spanish: mirar
It means to see, which is something pretty basic in the language. With my amateur linguist hat on, I'd say that the two languages could be related. Even though that makes no sense historically. XD

There's also a fun antonym:
Japanese: だめ/dame
Spanish: dame
In Japanese, dame(pronounced with Spanish vowels), means something along the lines of 'no good' or 'don't do it.' In Spanish, however, dame means give it to me. So, fun stuff!

If anyone happens upon this blog, are there any synonyms/antonyms like that between languages like you're learning?
