
[note: this post is imported from my short-lived alternate blog called Lenguajes Intercambiables]


Yo soy Kelsey, y soy estudiante de relaciones internacionales y japónes, pero me encantan lenguajes en general. Así, yo quisiera hacer una bitácora en y sobre estos lenguajes. En el colegio, yo estudiaba el español, así es el idioma en que pienso primeramente desde el ingles. Tambien he estudiado arabé, swahili, setswana(del país Botswana), francés y por supuesto japónes. Cuando era niña, yo estudiaba el swahili, el setswana, y el francés, porque vivaba en Africa. Pero de estos solamente actualmente hablo bien el japónes . Yo conozco algunas palabras en los otros lenguajes, pero no son muchas. Así, yo tengo unas lenguas que yo puedo utilizar. Por esto, yo bautiso este bitácora Lenguajes intercambiables.'




I'm Kelsey, and I'm a student of international affairs and Japanese, but I like languages in general. So, I wanted to make a blog in and about those languages. In high school, I studied Spanish, so it's the first language that I think in after English. I have also studied Arabic, Swahili, Setswana (from Botswana), French, and, of course, Japanese. When I was a child, I studied Swahili, Setswana, and French, because I lived in Africa. But of these, I can only speak Japanese well right now. I know some words in the other languages, but not too many. So, I have many tongues that I can use. Because of that, I baptise this blog 'Interchangeable Tongues.'

Now, after the intro:

Sorry for the bad Japanese; when I first started thinking in Spanish, I should have figured that I wouldn't be able to translate it all on what I already knew in Japanese. I'm basically going to use this blog to chart my journey in polyglottery and put down things that relate to my study and linguistics in general. I've been inspired by a few blogs around the net, so I thought I'd take a stab at it. I know I'm not far at all, but I figure any practice I can get will be good for me and maybe could help someone else.


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