My day off was nice. Sumiyo gave me these humongously thick pancakes for lunch! After lunch and hanging out at the house, I decided to go wandering around Tachikawa. There's still so much I haven't seen- and I love exploring. So I started walking north to the train tracks, then east. Come to find out, we're right on the edge of Tachikawa and Akishima. I walked til I hit a school, then cut through. One way was a dead end, so I walked to the next little train station. Ended up walking all the way around Showa Kinen Park, a very large park. It was a pleasant walk. Then I went and looked around a mall I'd been eyeing. All in all, a very good afternoon. I love expanding my mental map!
The best part of the day was yet to come- a conveyor belt sushi bar with Rebekah, Toshi and Sumiyo. It took about an hour's wait, but then we got to sit at a booth. I almost made myself sick with all the sushi I ate- must have been at least 20 pieces. I had tuna, squid, shrimp, sea urchin, octopus, and a variety of fish. The green tea was great- I couldn't drink enough. My last piece, with fish eggs on the outside and avocado on the inside was out of control. I could hardly get it down. They also ordered us soup and cake. What a feast! Some of it a little iffy for sure, but it was so nice of our host family to take us out.
Sunday was good, too. I thought it was going to rain us out at the park(since I didn't bring my umbrella), but it didn't. Talked to some girls who've decided to make a band- Yuuri, Tomomi, and Hinami make up Akane. They were good.
After park, I met with Celia, the Chinese girl who majored in English, at Starbucks. Got there early and so did she. We read Acts 17:24-31. She had a ton of questions, starting with evolution vs creation, and including why does God know what is good and bad, why did God make people who could choose wrong, about Jesus being the lamb of God and not God, about world religions and how they relate, etc. These all led to great chances to explain the gospel.-passover, resurrection, holy spirit, etc. She seems very interested to know more, although I don't know how much she buys at the moment. Please pray for Celia.
After that, I went all the way back to the cave. After a couple of hours of hanging out, we girls got the main event: a goodbye/tye dye/queso party for Audrey, who's leaving Wednesday. We didn't have rubber bands to tie our shirts with, so we used these weird bracelets that said 'Thank God for God' to tie them up. I used a few different colors, so we'll see how mine turns out. I still have dye on my hands. Just got the shirt at the 100 yen store(although it was really 210, we'll let that slide). Hangin out with the girls is usually hilarious and always fun.
Which reminds me, I should probably get on a train sometime soon to get over to Shibuya.
The best part of the day was yet to come- a conveyor belt sushi bar with Rebekah, Toshi and Sumiyo. It took about an hour's wait, but then we got to sit at a booth. I almost made myself sick with all the sushi I ate- must have been at least 20 pieces. I had tuna, squid, shrimp, sea urchin, octopus, and a variety of fish. The green tea was great- I couldn't drink enough. My last piece, with fish eggs on the outside and avocado on the inside was out of control. I could hardly get it down. They also ordered us soup and cake. What a feast! Some of it a little iffy for sure, but it was so nice of our host family to take us out.

Sunday was good, too. I thought it was going to rain us out at the park(since I didn't bring my umbrella), but it didn't. Talked to some girls who've decided to make a band- Yuuri, Tomomi, and Hinami make up Akane. They were good.
After park, I met with Celia, the Chinese girl who majored in English, at Starbucks. Got there early and so did she. We read Acts 17:24-31. She had a ton of questions, starting with evolution vs creation, and including why does God know what is good and bad, why did God make people who could choose wrong, about Jesus being the lamb of God and not God, about world religions and how they relate, etc. These all led to great chances to explain the gospel.-passover, resurrection, holy spirit, etc. She seems very interested to know more, although I don't know how much she buys at the moment. Please pray for Celia.
After that, I went all the way back to the cave. After a couple of hours of hanging out, we girls got the main event: a goodbye/tye dye/queso party for Audrey, who's leaving Wednesday. We didn't have rubber bands to tie our shirts with, so we used these weird bracelets that said 'Thank God for God' to tie them up. I used a few different colors, so we'll see how mine turns out. I still have dye on my hands. Just got the shirt at the 100 yen store(although it was really 210, we'll let that slide). Hangin out with the girls is usually hilarious and always fun.
Which reminds me, I should probably get on a train sometime soon to get over to Shibuya.
hey, kelsey! how was the sea urchin?