Togetherness Day

I think I am going to love Mondays. I basically got to sleep 'til 2 if I wanted to(I took a couple of naps before then). Got to hang out a lot with everybody and call home. Not too many responsibilities.
At 2:15 the meetings started. I met with two of the journeywomen and the eight other wigtake leaders to talk about our first ministry week, pray about them, and get advice as well. At around 4, we went to meet all together for worship, teaching, and fun(nerts, team three-legged race, bible trivia, etc.). Got a bit of advice about how to lead volunteer teams.
Oh yeah, about volunteers: I am half really excited about this week, half frightened out of my mind, because a team of 13 from the University of Mobile is going to be at Tachikawa Station with us at least one week. I am sure that they will meet a ton of people and cover a lot of ground, but I hope that with such a large team, we'll be able to work well and that we as interns will be able to help them and love them as much as possible.
Anyway, we'll see what the future will bring. I'm hopefully meeting with 4 or five girls tomorrow for lunch. Definitely personally bathing it in prayer. I know a lot of you are also doing the same: どうもありがとうございます(Thank you very much).


  1. wow, it sounds like this week is going to be even more hectic than the last one! Still praying for you! And hopefully the extra numbers will be more of a great boost than problem. Good luck!


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