After Angela and Jessica left for lunch with those ladies they met Tuesday, we all split up to prayer walk around the station. Also found some cool sculptures, including a bunch of African chieftains.

I saw an Indian man from Delhi who was a Muslim. Tried to tell me all gods were the same...
After 4, until about 5:40, we did five minute English. I was on the north side with three guys- Daniel, Alex, and Vincent. Really only one guy came up to me, but it was encouraging. Ryan is a junior high student who became a Christian a year ago, goes to church. Will go to Arizona. Daniel talked to a woman who had read the bible before and gave her a hope tract.
After that, I went with the UofM team to Kichijouji, where Angela had been last year. Caleb went back to the cave. We went to the eigth floor of a departmented building(it seems that a lot of restaurants are on the eighth floor of these buildings). While we were trying to decide on a restaurant, a drunk Japanese man followed us around and kept on talking to us. Eventually, by force, we decided on the sushi place. And I got them to send for the koban, not kaban(koban is police, kaban is bag)- although he left before they got there. The meal itself was great- and free- thank God for volunteer teams with hefty budgets. I had my first nice sushi of the trip. I know, it's taken me like three weeks.
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