And I got a really cheap SD card to replace the one I lost yesterday(2 GB for 1000). Buut they don`t have an SD card slot on their computer. I didn`t think to bring a cord. I think I heard we were getting better internet soon at the cave, so it`s all good.
Yesterday, all the interns and some missionaries had worship at Koganei Park. Lots of singing, prayer for a few Japanese, lesson, circles to talk about the passage in, Hideki from Nagoya gave his testimony.
I had my first onigiri lunch. Good, but I have no idea what I ate! It was an adventure getting there and getting back- we got rained out around lunch time, so instead of staying, my team decided to go early to our station to scope it out for potential meeting spots for Bible study. Just as Caleb was playing frisbee with a man, it rained us out.
On the way into the park, Melanie saw a woman and her husband that Lindey been doing a Bible study with. Leaving the park, I saw Chika again and had a good conversation. Justin got me to hand her an offer for a free Hope video, which explains the gospel and Bible from the beginning. I also handed her his card and a tract. I hope that they can meet; she is not yet a Christian.
Somewhere on the train or at a station, I lost my memory card. It really bothered me, but praise God I didn`t have all of my pictures on it!
Played DDR this morning! I knew the namco arcade must have it. It was fun. Maybe I can come back and play with other people.
Anyway, this cafe is pretty cramped, I can`t use my own computer, etc., so I`m getting out.
ReplyDeleteSorry about all the frustraions, Kelsey! Keep the ole chin up!