Yesterday(Thursday) was very full. It was Rebekah's day off, so it was just Caleb and I at Chuo University. Caleb is so chill and I'm so it was kind of hard being with him. I can be chill too, but I think that we're there to make friends, talk to people, and share the gospel. He thinks that too, but he's not as outgoing...

Prayed, walked. Anyway, we ate lunch at McDonald's; I had my first Japanese hamburger. Good, but small. I've found that I love Fanta Grape. Asked some guys how to say 'my bad' in Japanese, because I was texting one of my friends. Done a lot of that past couple of days. It's interesting because I don't understand all of it...but most of it so far, yes. Also had vending machine icecream-rocky road for me.
Went to another more secluded entrance. Went to the international student's building. Found out where the club building was- the same as the music building. Maybe we can find the English club. I texted Ayane and we ate lunch together. She is one of the French majors. Then she, I, and Caleb talked for the longest time, about all we could all understand and with her little electronic dictionary- like the differences between America and Japan, our likes, etc. Didn't get to the gospel, but did mention that we were Christian volunteers, not students.
Around 2:45, we had to leave, because Caleb was going to meet a volunteer team. Sonya(journeywoman) met me at Tachikawa-Minami. We decided I needed all of my energy for that night, because we were going to meet Haedan for Bible study at 6, so we decided to hang out at the station for the afternoon. We ate at Krispy Kreme! Had a chocolate-topped custard-filled donut for about 190 yen.
Sonya had a novel about the Song of Solomon, and I didn't have anything, so I studied the floor map for Lumine, the north mall. I saw what might be a book store on the eighth floor, so I decided to check it out. Long story short, I saw a magazine with the new kingdom hearts game on it、saw a rubik's cube section, and I bought the first Rurouni Kenshin manga in Japanese for 400 yen. Another round of doughnuts, basic and a star. I showed Sonya Orion(the book store) and then we went out to meet Haedan.
After wandering around for a while(because the restaurant I chose you couldn't sit long), Haedan found a Saizeriya around Tachikawa, on the eighth floor of a building. We ate, then we did our T4T new Christians bible study. We stayed until the restaurant closed, we had so much to talk about. Sonya had to translate both ways, so it was very interesting. Haedan may have already been a Christian before last week, we found out. She doesn't have a lot of desire for spiritual things right now. We gave her a lot to do; we'll all be reading John and we want her to regularly witness,etc. Please pray for her.
Got back to the cave around 10:30...
Today was good, too. Got started about 30 minutes late. Had to bring two large signs on poles for free bible study on the trains, so that was interesting. We put them just outside one of the doors at the station. Distribution! Some of it in rain! Confusion, but after a while, we got a rhythm going. I really like distribution, but the other two not as much. We saw a Catholic church.
Before going for lunch, we decided to find out where the signs were. They were gone! We looked around for a minute, but couldn't find them anywhere. Called Brian, the Free Bible study journeyman, and I had to turn back from lunch to go to information. They couldn't find it, but the ladies were very polite. Lunch at Saizeriya- I had seafood in cheese stuff...
After browsing the building with the Saizeriya- and seeing gundams and zoids- we looked around for the signs- because Brian was coming at 2:30 and we finished lunch after 1. Long story short, R&C got me to ask the woman working at a chocolate shop right next to where we left the signs. A man who spoke some English came up to me at the same time and through my hand signals, Japanese, and the employee's rememberance, the man was able to get a picture of what I was looking for.

He called the koban- or police- and they had our signs. I went down through the employee's area to the back of the koban. There they all were, with the signs!!! Yay. I was so relieved- they take a while to make, especially the big ones we were lugging. I had to sign off with my name, phone #, and address. And I had to show my passport. Kind of scary, but they were so nice and I'm sure it's just protocol for retrieving items.

Free Bible Study was so good! We talked to so many people and gave out so many gospels of John and tracts. After some brief training, split into two teams with me and Rebekah and Brian and Caleb. Talked to some junior high girls, etc. An older Buddhist man who spoke good English and studied the Bible for comparative religions. Said that God/universal truth was E=MC^2. Other Buddhist man who didn't know much English- still took our stuff. We were out there a few hours and talked to a few people.
Teron and Kyle from another station got rained out so they came to boost our ranks. About 5, we made another team that went to the south side of the station- me and Teron. Major guy we talked to was Tetsuo. Street musician, plays classical piano. Interested in bible study. Has like no English. I hope to see a lot of people Sunday. Another guy came up to me while we were still talking to him, asking about the tract. I had little idea what he was saying, something about why I'm a Christian. Very hard. やっぱりむずかしかったです。。。And I didn't know the tract.
Good day. My feet still hurt. I wore my converses- not smart. I walk too much. Looking forward to my day off.
Prayed, walked. Anyway, we ate lunch at McDonald's; I had my first Japanese hamburger. Good, but small. I've found that I love Fanta Grape. Asked some guys how to say 'my bad' in Japanese, because I was texting one of my friends. Done a lot of that past couple of days. It's interesting because I don't understand all of it...but most of it so far, yes. Also had vending machine icecream-rocky road for me.
Went to another more secluded entrance. Went to the international student's building. Found out where the club building was- the same as the music building. Maybe we can find the English club. I texted Ayane and we ate lunch together. She is one of the French majors. Then she, I, and Caleb talked for the longest time, about all we could all understand and with her little electronic dictionary- like the differences between America and Japan, our likes, etc. Didn't get to the gospel, but did mention that we were Christian volunteers, not students.
Around 2:45, we had to leave, because Caleb was going to meet a volunteer team. Sonya(journeywoman) met me at Tachikawa-Minami. We decided I needed all of my energy for that night, because we were going to meet Haedan for Bible study at 6, so we decided to hang out at the station for the afternoon. We ate at Krispy Kreme! Had a chocolate-topped custard-filled donut for about 190 yen.
After wandering around for a while(because the restaurant I chose you couldn't sit long), Haedan found a Saizeriya around Tachikawa, on the eighth floor of a building. We ate, then we did our T4T new Christians bible study. We stayed until the restaurant closed, we had so much to talk about. Sonya had to translate both ways, so it was very interesting. Haedan may have already been a Christian before last week, we found out. She doesn't have a lot of desire for spiritual things right now. We gave her a lot to do; we'll all be reading John and we want her to regularly witness,etc. Please pray for her.
Got back to the cave around 10:30...
Today was good, too. Got started about 30 minutes late. Had to bring two large signs on poles for free bible study on the trains, so that was interesting. We put them just outside one of the doors at the station. Distribution! Some of it in rain! Confusion, but after a while, we got a rhythm going. I really like distribution, but the other two not as much. We saw a Catholic church.
Before going for lunch, we decided to find out where the signs were. They were gone! We looked around for a minute, but couldn't find them anywhere. Called Brian, the Free Bible study journeyman, and I had to turn back from lunch to go to information. They couldn't find it, but the ladies were very polite. Lunch at Saizeriya- I had seafood in cheese stuff...
After browsing the building with the Saizeriya- and seeing gundams and zoids- we looked around for the signs- because Brian was coming at 2:30 and we finished lunch after 1. Long story short, R&C got me to ask the woman working at a chocolate shop right next to where we left the signs. A man who spoke some English came up to me at the same time and through my hand signals, Japanese, and the employee's rememberance, the man was able to get a picture of what I was looking for.
He called the koban- or police- and they had our signs. I went down through the employee's area to the back of the koban. There they all were, with the signs!!! Yay. I was so relieved- they take a while to make, especially the big ones we were lugging. I had to sign off with my name, phone #, and address. And I had to show my passport. Kind of scary, but they were so nice and I'm sure it's just protocol for retrieving items.
Free Bible Study was so good! We talked to so many people and gave out so many gospels of John and tracts. After some brief training, split into two teams with me and Rebekah and Brian and Caleb. Talked to some junior high girls, etc. An older Buddhist man who spoke good English and studied the Bible for comparative religions. Said that God/universal truth was E=MC^2. Other Buddhist man who didn't know much English- still took our stuff. We were out there a few hours and talked to a few people.
Teron and Kyle from another station got rained out so they came to boost our ranks. About 5, we made another team that went to the south side of the station- me and Teron. Major guy we talked to was Tetsuo. Street musician, plays classical piano. Interested in bible study. Has like no English. I hope to see a lot of people Sunday. Another guy came up to me while we were still talking to him, asking about the tract. I had little idea what he was saying, something about why I'm a Christian. Very hard. やっぱりむずかしかったです。。。And I didn't know the tract.
Good day. My feet still hurt. I wore my converses- not smart. I walk too much. Looking forward to my day off.