I know a couple of you wanted me to post some things that you could pray for me about. I would love to know that you are praying for me. I think once I'm on the ground in Tokyo I'll have a lot more specifics, but I already know a lot that I'd love you to pray about.
1. Travel
a. Stamina and ability to stay calm for the almost day-long trip
b. Safety
c. Not getting lost- I'm traveling by myself
d. Smooth travel- that there would be no delays or problems with customs
i. That I'd get out of the airport in time to get picked up Tuesday night, and not have to stay in a hotel
e. For the missionaries and other interns- going to be a lot of traveling and picking up
2. In Tokyo- volunteers
a. Japanese language skills
b. Learning and doing customs
c. Be able to become a team- orientation taken to heart
e. That we'd show love
i. Embrace whatever we're called to do and whomever comes in our path(not literally- apparently most Japanese don't like hugging)
3. In Tokyo- Japanese
a. That many will be receptive to the gospel
b. God would send in persons of peace who will be able to become Christians and influence many others
c. For the Japanese Christians-
i. Reaching out to their neighbors
ii. That they would be disciplers
iii. Revival
Believe it or not, but this is just the tip of the iceberg. If you would like, pick one area to pray about- and comment that you'll be praying about it. #1 is obviously the most urgent. ;-)
This has more stuff about Japan and my mission.
We will pray 4 u!
ReplyDeleteI'm praying for you, girl! I will have my youth prayer team jump on this, too! I will pray for all of it. I'm so excited that you are keeping us posted, so I can see what it's like first hand.