It's still the first day?

It's kind of hard to believe I've not even been here one day. There are enough new things that have happened these past couple of days to make my head spin- in fact, I think that's what is happening this very moment.
Japan is everything I thought it would be and so much more. Tokyo is so vibrant- there are things asking for your attention at every moment. I'm sure that the natives of this city don't even bat an eye at the cute, bright billboards and the idiosyncratic builings, but I have felt myself so intrigued as I've walked by on the street or rode on the train.
I don't have very good internet, so I'll have to hold off on posting pictures right now- I might find an internet cafe later. Gomen-nasai.
My introduction to Japan was on an airport bus, but the guys who came to pick me up took me on the train to go home. It was confusing, but fast. I'm sure I'll catch on to it later. There are different colored lines, some that skip some stops, some that go around the center of Tokyo. I'm really glad that I decided to only bring my four-wheeled check baggage, purse, and backpack.
I was very, very tired last night, kind of like tonight. After getting off of the station, one of the guys who picked me up, Adam, showed me a grocery store walking the way home. "Home" s a very nice place, by the way. Separated girls and guys with a large tiled atrium in between. The orange wallpaper makes it seem cozy.
This morning, I got up pretty early, being confused by other girls getting up(it doesn't take me that long to get ready). From 9-12, the team leaders oriented us. The cell phones in Japan are much more hi-tech; you know how you have to call a person or ask them for their number to enter it on your phone in America? In Japan, you just exchange contact information via an infrared connection. And you can put other information like your e-mail address all in one place.
We went out to eat for lunch. I wanted my first meal out in Japan to be Japanese food, so I went with Jasmin, Adam, Jessica, and Joel to a cheap restaurant here in Shibuya. Got udon with fried batter bits, crab meat, almost boiled egg, and that fried sushi wrapping. It was cold, which I didn't expect, but very good.
Around 3 I went with Rebecca, Jason, Adam, and Brian to Kokubunji Station. This was my first time going to Shibuya Station proper. It was crazy large! Kind of reminded me of an airport. Walked across the famous crossing. Will post pictures, got a couple of great ones.
We went to do 5 Minute English outside Kokubunji Station, a tool that starts with some simple questions, hopefully ending with the gospel. We're very upfront about being a Christian organization, reading out that in English before we start. There were some guys giving out napkins with advertisements in them the whole time we were there. The alley in front of the station was really crowded with three of my group and two of the guys handing out the napkins.
I only talked to one woman and that was after going to the stairs on the side of the exit, but it was an interesting conversation. I forgot to ask her name, but she was a 28 year old "offishu waaka." I thought she was in college! She didn't know very much English, and I didn't get a lot of her Japanese, but I was able to give her a Manga Messiah(because she said that her favorite book is a manga) and my business card. I pray that she will read the manga and go to the website.
After riding the train home, I got my Japanese cell phone and met one of the missionaries. Now I need to get like 20 contacts, but yay for an easier way.
Been a busy day. I think I'll hit the sack.


  1. take piks of your phone, and teeeeeeeeellllll me you got shots of the food, and take somme of the manga messaiah. I am proud of you!, Tell me when you can skype so i can be set up.

  2. yeah i wanna see the manga messiah sounds fascinating! oh hon, it sounds awesome like you are having the time of your life! cant wait for more!

  3. Ben:
    Soitenly on the pics. I got you somewhere on your wall.
    Definitely will bring more. :-)


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